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Park Systems NX10 AFM
Location: EER 6.628
Equipment Type:
Atomic Force Microscopes
Microscopy/Surface Analysis
Information the Equipment Can Provide
The NX10 Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) is equipped with a variety of imaging modes which include:
- Standard modes:
- Contact and LFM
- Tapping mode
- F/D Spectroscopy and Force Volume Imaging
- Nanoindentaion
- SPECIAL: true Non-Contact AFM
- Magnetic Force Microscopy
- Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy (SICM): lateral resolution 80-100 nm
- Electrical measurements: KPFM, PinPoint conductive AFM, I-V Spectroscopy, Electrostatic Force Microscopy
- Imaging in liquids (contact mode) coming soon!
- The system is equipped with an acoustic enclosure. However, the system is operated more commonly inside a glovebox where the oxygen and water are controlled/monitored.
- Humidity control from 2 to 90%.
- O2 level in the 100 ppm range (working gas Ar and N2).
- Independent 2D flexure-guided XY scanner structure for the sample scanning and positioning, separated from the topography feedback mechanism of the Z scanner. The Flexure-guided XY scanner is used to maintain zero background curvature.
- 100 μm by 100 μm scan area with closed looped position control
- Z range of 15 μm
- Sample size: up to 100 × 100 mm (less than 50 × 50 mm recommended), 20 mm thickness
- Includes a magnetic sample holder
- Motorized XY scanner with a travel range of 20 by 20 mm, step 0.6 microns
- Motorized Z stage with a travel range of 22 mm, step 0.08 microns
- Temperature controlled stage from ambient up to 250°C (sample size 18 by 18 mm)
- Engaging on the sample is fully automatic
- AFM sensors can be purchase pre-mounted with minimal laser alignment necessary.
Fees and Policies
- UT Users: $17/hour
- Higher Education/State Agencies: $40/hour
- Corporate/External Users: $40/hour
To become a new user of this facility, please read the Instrument Reservation Information page. If you are already a user you can make a reservation in FBS.